Guess the area !


ok ,I have not been posting regularly here ,Im more on fb these days.I dont know the net has its own way of guiding us. Websites then blogs and now 2.0 stuff etc.but certainly more n more unlikely people are getting connected... anyway.. this was again one o our open canvas event.
ok ,I have not been posting regularly here ,Im more on fb these days.I dont know the net has its own way of guiding us.
Websites then blogs and now 2.0 stuff etc.but certainly more n more unlikely people are getting connected... anyway.. this was again one o our open canvas event.

5 thoughts on “Guess the area !

  1. Good day Sir, I am an Art educator and a keen follower and an admirer of your work. Its been 8 yrs since BFA, and its your books that have given me the confidence to take up watercolour landscape again. I would love to post my recent works done in Junnar, with your permission. Thank You.

  2. I have been an admirer of your work ever since your first book “Watercolour” was published in marathi. I think this area is Trimbakeshwar. I believe you hav painted this subject in many different styles from time to time.
    My best wishes to you Sir and thank you for sharing your work with us.

  3. dearest milind maulick greetings, i am from karachi /pakistan
    let me say i am admirer of your transparent watercolor paintings, i have seen your art work on ninternet,it look excellent though away from original paintings things look very amused
    keeo it up, i really enjoy reflection in your art work
    best luck
    warmth regards sir

  4. I am not only admirer of your work, but an ardent lover. I have most of your books in my collection and your works gives me very much satisfaction.

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